Field Operations

Software for smarter assets

From preventing a leak to avoiding a power outage to repairing city streets and bridges, Brightly helps clients through the key phases of the asset management lifecycle. Designed to simplify and help oversee every detail of your assets and operations, our data-driven solutions enable you to eliminate waste, avoid undue costs and work smarter.

Brightly pairs its complete suite of intuitive software - including CMMS, EAM, Strategic Asset Management, IoT Remote Monitoring, Sustainability and Community Engagement - with tailored consultancies and award-winning support services to light the way to a bright future where we can all thrive. 


Our full asset lifecycle prediction modeling and capital planning software means you can make better investment decisions and tell more effective data stories to prove your case.

BrightlyWork Planner™

Greater efficiency is only one GIS interface away. Seamlessly connect to Predictor simulations and simplify multi-year capital work planning.


The smart, cost-effective way to manage your public infrastructure assets. Streamline information related to your assets providing the instant insight you need.


Protect your community's essential infrastructure with our cloud-based asset management system, designed to increase efficiency, satisfy compliance and optimise spending.

BrightlyWork Planner™

Greater efficiency is only one GIS interface away. Seamlessly connect to Predictor simulations and simplify multi-year capital work planning.

asset essentials UI

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